LETZ RETAIL Skill-set and Competence Framework

The Output 1 of LETZ RETAIL – Skill-set and Competence Framework has been developed based upon analysis related to the core skills and competences, which those active in the targeted sectors need for successful ideation, development and implementation of new experiences, activities, products and/or services, using co-creation, co-design and co-working techniques.

The document includes an overview and context of the project, the methodological approach that was used in the needs analysis, the results of the analysis and conclusions/ recommendations. Desk research and several surveys were carried out, involving the target group – small companies that work in retail, hospitality and cultural/ creative sectors in urban areas in (or at risk of) decay, their stakeholders and consumers. 10 skills were identified as the most necessary for small businesses working in the target sectors, and will be included as learning units in LETZ RETAIL learning programme.

“LETZ RETAIL Skill-set and Competence Framework” can be downloaded here.

In the framework of Output 1 analysis, 25 case studies of small companies in Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, The Netherlands and Spain, working in retail, hospitality and cultural/ creative sectors, that have used different types and methods of cooperation to develop successful products and services.

The complete analysis including the case studies “LETZ RETAIL Skill-set and Competence Framework: Full analysis report” can be downloaded here.

Letz Retail © 2020

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